Sunday, December 23, 2007

Looking backward, thankfully

Another year comes to a close. My agent is on a well-deserved vacation and the auditions have all but stopped. Not much happens in the way of pursuing theatre work from now through the end of the year, so I think this is the right time to look back at the year and see the many things for which I can be grateful.
I was lucky enough to be part of a new musical called THE MOLLY MAGUIRES. I have no idea what the future holds for this piece but the experience allowed me to reconnect my love of all things Irish with my belief in theatre. I met wonderful people and felt inspired and hopeful. I consider it lucky to leave each show with one person who will remain a friend. We meet so many people that it's impossible to stay connected to them all. However, this show left me with a number of friends that will be around a while.
I was fortunate to be able to say the same about the other two major shows I worked on this year: LES MISERABLES (which I'd always wanted to perform) and a new version of THE THREE MUSKETEERS. Wonderful people, interesting places, and exciting work.
I also learned some difficult lessons about ego and business and promises. Some were hard lessons, but I'm grateful for the learning and the chance to carry that knowledge forward with me. Disappointments can often be as informative as successes.
I've rediscovered a desire to write, both here and on my other website Both allow me to explore in different ways and claim my own voice which actors can so often lose track of in the constant search for work and approval.
I'm still happy to live in New York. A city that constantly surprises and offers endless adventure.
I'll look forward as a New Year approaches. Today, I look backward with thanks. I hope you can do the same. Go ahead. Give yourself a hug. They're free.

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