Thursday, December 13, 2007

Actor: Know Thyself

One of the most common issues I see getting in the way of actors achieving the success they desire is simply not seeing themselves accurately. My picture is here on the blog. I like to think I have a realistic handle on which roles are most likely to come my way. I won't be competing with Hugh Jackman for roles. I'm no longer 19 years old (which is a shame because apparently that's the only age people want to see anymore). I've always been more in the best friend/guy next door vein. The normal guy. And you know what? That's ok! There are plenty of roles in that category. Interesting roles.
I wish I had a dollar for every 30 year old actor I've heard proclaim that they are "right" for a role in its teens or early twenties. Very, very few are. Self-awareness. You would think it would be commonplace in people who use themselves to explore the human condition. That's not the case. Truly seeing yourself and being able to adapt that vision as you age and (yes!) mature and grow is vital to longevity for an actor.
Can I play roles that don't necessarily on paper appear to be me? Of course. But if I constantly pester my agent to be seen for roles that the industry sees otherwise, I'll be needing a new agent soon and I'll be unemployed a lot. Choose carefully. Pick your battles. My agent will listen much more to me if I demonstrate that I know my strengths. That way, the day I do call about a project that didn't seem tailor made for me, I'll get a much better response. And if you're going to open calls, go only to the ones that have something for you. It's such a drain of time and energy. Why waste a day to antagonize a casting director by taking the slot of someone who may be right for the role? Use your judgment. I won't be going to auditions for 60 year old Peruvian men. I may go to one for a 32 year old Alabaman. I'm neither of those things, but I could conceivably be hired to play one of them. Confidence is attractive. Delusion or arrogance is not.
We can't all be Hugh Jackman. That would be boring. Know yourself. Be yourself. There's room for all of us.

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