Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Without Horton, the who doesn't get heard. Unless he yells louder.

It was an opportunity for which I'd been waiting. A major revival of a show that seemed so right for me. Irish themed. Needing my type. Music directed by someone I know. I went to the union call, not willing to risk the casting director not calling me for an appointment through my agent. However, even the casting director knew me and had used me in the past. All was well, especially when the casting office called later for a call back. Slight problem: I was out of town. Not to worry, they said, more auditions would be held in a week. Great. A week passed. No call. I checked in with my agent who was told auditions had been pushed to after the year. OK. January is half through. I call back. Suddenly, the story is different. Turns out auditions were held and the show is cast. It all happened in December when I was told they were postponed. Nothing to be done.
Now was it intentional or an oversight? An office snafu? It matters little in the long run. I didn't get to audition for a show I had a legitimate chance of booking. It would have been a Broadway debut for me. Not to be. I was frustrated. I complained to my agent (not at her). Got it off my chest. Sometimes, if you 're not a star or a "name", you get overlooked. Horton doesn't hear your who-cries of "we are here". The light at the end of the tunnel is atrain and there's not superman to stop the runaway truck.

The only thing to do is pick yourself up and go on. I leave for New England today to do some work on the television project and start rehearsals for RAGTIME on Tuesday. If they won't help you out, make your own luck. Sometimes it's the only way.

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