Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Some good news and some hope.

First, the good news: I did indeed get cast in the upcoming movie with Meryl Streep. Granted, it's a small role, but it's a nice little job and has pleased the head of my agency. Both important factors. So...yay.

In addition, I've had a number (three....that's a number) of positive auditions in the last week. In addition to the the audition mentioned in my last post, I've gone to two more union calls (the ones I don't get through my agent). Both times the response was positive and I wouldn't be surprised to hear back from any of them regarding being seen again. Of course, I won't be too surprised if I don't hear anything, either. I've already thought it through, though, and all of them could come together for a trifecta of great jobs fitting nicely into my schedule. However, that's highly unlikey to happen and it got me to think...

Actors are an interesting breed. We simply have to be optimists. A natural pessimist would abandon this life very quickly. Simply put, you have to live in the hope that something good will come along soon. That's not to say we don't grumble and complain. We're great at it. The old saying, "The only thing that complains more than an out of work actor is a working actor" is pretty accurate. However, when hope goes, so does the fortitude to get up each morning and start all over again on your own. So-- optimists. But we have to be pragmatists, too. If you don't have an accurate picture of yourself and where you fit in the industry, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. So...pragmatic optimists. We're a curious bunch.

Today I have a nice job around the corner and some good possibilities. Life is good. Maybe there's room for a pale red head around here after all.

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